Friday, August 2, 2013



Milly shorts


Dorothy perkin

Cotton shorts

Summer Shorts

While a short will occasionally pop up in a fall Collection or a winter ensemble with leggings and Leg warmers, Shorts really shine in the Hot summer months.  Shorts are also a type of Garment that many people have trouble wearing, not because they can’t, they just don’t know how to make them look their best.  Shorts can be quite unflattering if not put together the right way.  With the right tools however, anyone can wear shorts!

Wearing shorts the right way is all about balancing proportion.  Like skirt length, the length of the short can enhance your proportions or put them off, and unlike the skirt there really is very little wiggle room.  The short must fit right like a pant and be the correct length like a skirt. 

Understanding your proportions is the key to understanding how you can wear shorts this summer!

Things to remember when picking shorts:
Length of short
Taking care of your legs
Shoes are very important part of making a short ensemble look good