Don’t have a wardrobe full of disposable clothes, in the long run you are wasting money and cheap clothes tend to look cheap quickly.
Instead find high quality clothes, even if the price point is a bit higher and learn to take
care of your clothes properly.
care of your clothes properly.
This will maximize your wardrobe!
You don’t have to clean everything after every wear, In fact too much cleaning can shorten the life of your clothes, especially things that need dry cleaning, all the chemicals can do more harm to
your garments then not. Wear things a number of times before cleaning them.
Dry-clean all the separates of an outfit together. Otherwise one piece will fade at a faster rate than the others.
Three or four times a year is sufficient for dry cleaning a suit however, the finishing and pressing process can do some serious damage to the fabrics over time.
It's a good idea to Launder whites after every wear. It’s tempting to put a white blouse
back into the closet after a spill-free wearing. After all, it looks spotless.
But "body oils and perspiration, along with other time-released stains (like perfume, white wine, and oil splatters), will start to give a once-bright white a yellowish tint," Light-colored cottons are vulnerable to noticeable spots. Zap smudges between washes with instant stain remover. Don’t over wash darks. Black pants, in particular, can be worn several times before laundering. For best results when you wash, run darks on a short cycle in cold water and let them air-dry.
Blot any stains, since rubbing will create a lighter spot.
back into the closet after a spill-free wearing. After all, it looks spotless.
But "body oils and perspiration, along with other time-released stains (like perfume, white wine, and oil splatters), will start to give a once-bright white a yellowish tint," Light-colored cottons are vulnerable to noticeable spots. Zap smudges between washes with instant stain remover. Don’t over wash darks. Black pants, in particular, can be worn several times before laundering. For best results when you wash, run darks on a short cycle in cold water and let them air-dry.
Blot any stains, since rubbing will create a lighter spot.
Beware of over drying things in the dryer. Excessive heat makes fibers brittle, causing the fabric to break down. Since Most of the damage is done in the last 10 minutes of the drying, try taking out the lighter weight garments that are usually dry first. Also try putting your cvlothes through the delicate cylcle in the dryer or on less heat, this will also minimze the stress on the fabrics that heat from the dryer causes.
Zip up to avert snags. Next time close all zippers and clasps before tossing clothes into the washing machine (or, better yet, the hamper).
With stain-resistant fabrics, you can get away with an extra wear or two. Never use fabric softeners or dryer sheets, as they diminish the effectiveness of the fabric.
Remember, the better you take care oif your clothes, the longer they will last, and this will maximize your wradrobe!
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