Imagine being out on a date and you notice the hem of your pant has fallen, at a party where almost magically a spot appears on your blouse, in a business meeting where you notice a small run in your stocking, or while out entertaining clients you see a long thread dangling from your Jacket.
These are fashion emergencies, and each case something immediate most be done!
Here are the top 10 Style emergency tools that can help you out immediately in almost any Fashion emergency you find yourself in!

• Stain remover - for sudden stains
• Lint remover - for bits of fiber that have stuck to your clothes out of the house
• Double sided tape - for fallen hems and loose bits of material
• Safety pins - for lost and broken buttons and snaps
• Thread and needle - for material that is too heavy for the tape
• Scissors/thread snip - for bits of thread and unwanted material
• Mole skin/ shoe pads - when you sacrifice comfort for fashion in an amazing pair of heels that are becoming unbearable!
• Snag-nab-it - a miricle tool that gets rid of snags in knits
• Clear nail polish - for runs in your hose
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